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orca Namespace Reference

Defines cross-platform interfaces and data objects. More...


interface  BinaryIndicator
 Interface to a device with a binary state. More...
struct  BinaryDeviceData
struct  BinarySwitchData
 Information about the binary devices of a robot. More...
interface  BinarySwitch
 Interface to a device with a binary state. More...
struct  CartesianPoint2d
 2D position in Cartesian coordinate system. More...
struct  CartesianVelocity2d
 2D velocity in Cartesian coordinate system. More...
struct  CartesianAcceleration2d
 2D acceleration in Cartesian coordinate system. More...
struct  PolarPoint2d
 2D position in polar coordinate system. More...
struct  PolarVelocity2d
 2D velocity in polar coordinate system. More...
struct  PolarAcceleration2d
 2D acceleration in polar coordinate system. More...
struct  Vector2d
 2D vector. More...
struct  Frame2d
 Planar position. More...
struct  Twist2d
 Planar velocity. More...
struct  Force2d
 Vector representing a linear force. More...
struct  Wrench2d
 Planar force. More...
struct  Size2d
 Planar continuous dimensions. More...
struct  DiscreteSize2d
 Planar discrete dimensions. More...
struct  CartesianPoint
 3D position in Cartesian coordinate system. More...
struct  CartesianVector
 3D vector More...
struct  CartesianVelocity
 3D velocity in Cartesian coordinate system. More...
struct  CartesianAcceleration
 3D acceleration in Cartesian coordinate system. More...
struct  AngularVelocity
 3D angular velocity. More...
struct  AngularAcceleration
 3D angular acceleration. More...
struct  Force
 Vector representing a linear force. More...
struct  Moment
 Moment of force. More...
struct  Twist3d
 Spatial velocity: ordered couple (V,W) of two vectors. More...
struct  Wrench
 Spatial force: ordered couple (F,M) of two vectors. More...
struct  OrientationE
 Orientation defined by angles. More...
struct  Frame3d
 Spatial position. More...
struct  Size3d
 Spatial continuous dimensions. More...
struct  DiscreteSize3d
 Spatial discrete dimensions. More...
interface  Button
 Interface to a device with a binary state. More...
class  CameraDescription
 Camera configuration objectd. More...
class  CameraData
interface  CameraConsumer
interface  Camera
 Interface to the camera. More...
struct  CpuInfo
 General CPU information. More...
struct  CpuData
 Current CPU information. More...
interface  CpuConsumer
 Subscriber to CPU information. More...
interface  Cpu
 Interface to CPU information. More...
struct  Time
 Unix absolute time. More...
struct  TimeOfDay
struct  Date
 Date of the year. More...
struct  DriveBicycleCommand
 Bicycle command: steering angle & velocity. More...
struct  DriveBicycleData
 Bicycle data: commanded and actual steering angle & velocity. More...
interface  DriveBicycleConsumer
 Data consumer interface. More...
interface  DriveBicycle
struct  DriveDifferentialDescription
 Description of differential steering mechanism. More...
struct  DriveDifferentialData
 Differential steering velocity command. More...
interface  DriveDifferential
struct  EStopData
exception  EStopAlreadyTriggeredException
 Raised when a keep-alive is sent to an estop-disabled platform. More...
interface  EStop
 Interface to e-stop. More...
exception  OrcaException
 A generic run-time exception. More...
exception  ConfigurationNotExistException
 Server failed to configure itself as requrested by client. More...
exception  DataNotExistException
exception  HardwareFailedException
 Indicates a problem with robot hardware, e.g. sensors and actuators. More...
exception  SubscriptionFailedException
 Raised when the server fails to subscribe client for periodic updates. More...
exception  BusyException
 Raised when the component is too busy to process requests. More...
exception  RequiredInterfaceFailedException
 Raised when a component failed to connect to a required interface. More...
exception  MalformedParametersException
 Raised when one or more parameters to a remote request were malformed. More...
exception  OperationNotImplementedException
 Raised when a remote operation is not implemented. More...
class  Feature2d
 Generic 2D feature. More...
struct  PointCovariance2d
 2d Covariance Matrix More...
class  CartesianPointFeature2d
 A basic x-y point feature. More...
class  CartesianLineFeature2d
class  CartesianPoseFeature2d
 A point feature with a heading. More...
struct  FeatureMap2dData
 Data describing generic 2D features. More...
interface  FeatureMap2dConsumer
 Consumer of FeatureMap2d data. More...
interface  FeatureMap2d
 An interface to a map of features. More...
struct  GpsDescription
 Gps config structure. More...
struct  GpsData
 Gps data structure. More...
interface  GpsConsumer
interface  Gps
 Access to GpsData (raw data). More...
class  HandConfig
 Laser configuration data structure. More...
class  HandData
interface  HandConsumer
 Consumer of laser scans. More...
interface  HandProducer
 Single-origin scanning range sensor. More...
struct  HomeData
 Contains data on the component's interfaces. More...
interface  Home
 Access to information about components interfaces. More...
class  ImageDescription
 Static description of the image source. More...
class  ImageData
 A single image. More...
interface  ImageConsumer
 Interface to the image consumer. More...
interface  Image
 Interface to the image provider. More...
struct  ImuDescription
 Imu configuration objectd. More...
struct  ImuData
interface  ImuConsumer
interface  Imu
 Access to IMU data. More...
struct  InsDescription
 Ins configuration objectd. More...
struct  InsData
interface  InsConsumer
interface  Ins
 Access to INS data. More...
class  LaserScanner2dData
 Laser scan data structure adds return-intensity information to rangescanner data. More...
interface  LaserScanner2d
 Single-origin scanning range sensor. More...
struct  Pose2dHypothesis
 A Gaussian distribution over pose space. More...
struct  Localise2dData
 Location estimate. More...
interface  Localise2dConsumer
interface  Localise2d
 Access to odometry of 2d mobile robitic bases. More...
struct  Pose3dHypothesis
 A Gaussian distribution over pose space. More...
struct  Localise3dData
 Localise3d data structure. More...
interface  Localise3dConsumer
interface  Localise3d
 Access pose of 3d mobile robotic bases. More...
struct  LogData
 Information about the status of the logging process. More...
interface  Log
 Interface to the loggiing process. More...
struct  FQExecutableName
 Fully qualified executable name. More...
struct  FQComponentName
 Fully qualified component name. More...
struct  FQInterfaceName
 Fully qualified interface name. Usually represented in a single string as 'iface@platform/component'. More...
struct  FQTopicName
 Fully qualified Ice Storm topic name. The idea is that the same interface can publish to multiple topics corresponding different data streams. When written as a string, this is formatted as:
  • interface/topicName/component.
struct  ProvidedInterface
 Brief version of provided interface data. More...
struct  RequiredInterface
 Brief version of required interface data. More...
struct  ComponentData
 Component data. More...
struct  Odometry2dData
 Odometry2d data structure. More...
interface  Odometry2dConsumer
 Data consumer interface. More...
interface  Odometry2d
 Access to odometry of 2d mobile robotic bases. More...
struct  Odometry3dData
 Odometric data structure. More...
interface  Odometry3dConsumer
 Data consumer interface. More...
interface  Odometry3d
 Access to odometry of mobile robotic bases. More...
struct  OgFusionConfig
 Description of the OgFusion interface. More...
struct  OgCellLikelihood
 A basic structure for individual likelihoods per cell. More...
struct  OgFusionData
interface  OgFusion
struct  OgMapData
 Occupancy-grid representation of a portion of the world. More...
interface  OgMapConsumer
interface  OgMap
 Access to occupancy-grid map. More...
class  OGPatchMap
interface  OGPatchMapConsumer
class  OrcaObject
 Base class for data types in Orca. More...
struct  SingleParticle2d
 A single particle. More...
struct  Particle2dData
interface  Particle2dConsumer
 Consumer of 2d particles. More...
interface  Particle2d
 Interface for a 2d particle-based localiser. More...
struct  Waypoint2d
 A single waypoint. More...
struct  PathFollower2dData
interface  PathFollower2dConsumer
 Consumer of path updates. More...
interface  PathFollower2d
 The Path Follower. More...
struct  PathPlanner2dData
 Data structure for resulting path including error codes. More...
interface  PathPlanner2dConsumer
 Consumer of a planned path. More...
struct  PathPlanner2dTask
interface  PathPlanner2d
 Planning a path in 2D. More...
exception  PingException
 Thrown when something goes wrong. More...
interface  Pinger
 An interface which provides the well-known ping service. More...
struct  Pixel
 Represents a single pixel encoded as Red-Green-Blue intensities. More...
struct  PixMapData
 Data for PixMap interface. More...
interface  PixMapConsumer
interface  PixMap
 Access to pixMap. More...
struct  PointCloudDescription
 Description of the point cloud. More...
struct  PointCloudData
 Point cloud data structure. More...
interface  PointCloudConsumer
 Point cloud consumer. More...
interface  PointCloud
 Interface for a 3d point cloud. More...
struct  PolarFeature2dDescription
 Device description. More...
class  SinglePolarFeature2d
class  PointPolarFeature2d
class  PosePolarFeature2d
class  LinePolarFeature2d
struct  PolarFeature2dData
 A single data transmission may include a sequence of 2D polar features. More...
interface  PolarFeature2dConsumer
interface  PolarFeature2d
 Interface to features in a polar coordinate system. More...
struct  BatteryData
struct  PowerData
 Information about the power subsystem of a robot. More...
interface  PowerConsumer
 Interface to the consumer of power information. More...
interface  Power
 Access to a robot's power subsystem. More...
struct  PropertiesData
 Information about properties. More...
interface  PropertiesConsumer
 Subscriber to Properties information. More...
interface  Properties
 Interface to Properties information. More...
struct  PtzGeometry
 PTZ geometry data structure. More...
struct  PtzData
interface  PtzConsumer
 Consumer of ptz updates. More...
interface  Ptz
 Single-origin scanning range sensor. More...
struct  QGraphics2dData
 QGraphics2d command structure: tells how to paint something. More...
interface  QGraphics2dConsumer
interface  QGraphics2d
 Access to the drawable entity. More...
struct  RangeScanner2dDescription
 Device description. More...
class  RangeScanner2dData
interface  RangeScanner2dConsumer
 Consumesrange scans. More...
interface  RangeScanner2d
 Single-origin scanning range sensor. More...
struct  ReplayData
 Information about the status of the replay process. More...
interface  Replay
 Interface to the log playing process. More...
struct  SubsystemStatus
 Status for a single subsystem of this component. More...
struct  StatusData
 Component status data. More...
interface  StatusConsumer
interface  Status
 Access to a robot's status subsystem. More...
struct  Covariance2d
struct  Covariance3d
struct  TracerData
 Component status data. More...
interface  TracerConsumer
struct  TracerVerbosityConfig
 Verbosity levels for different trace types. More...
interface  Tracer
 Routes different types of information to different destinations. More...
class  VehicleControlDescription
class  VehicleControlVelocityDifferentialDescription
 Static description of a Velocity-controlled Differential-Drive vehicle. More...
class  VehicleControlVelocityBicycleDescription
 Static description of a Velocity-controlled Bicycle-Drive vehicle. More...
class  VehicleGeometryDescription
class  VehicleGeometryCylindricalDescription
class  VehicleGeometryCuboidDescription
struct  VehicleDescription
 General description of a robotic vehicle. More...
struct  VelocityControl2dData
 Velocity command object. More...
interface  VelocityControl2d
 Sends velocity command to a 2D mobile robot. More...
struct  WifiInterface
 Contains information per wireless interface, e.g. eth1. More...
struct  WifiData
 Wireless signal data. More...
interface  WifiConsumer
 Subscriber to Wifi information. More...
interface  Wifi
 Interface to Wifi information. More...


enum  GpsPositionType { GpsPositionTypeNotAvailable, GpsPositionTypeAutonomous, GpsPositionTypeDifferential }
enum  ImageFormat {
  ImageFormatModeNfi, ImageFormatModeBinary, ImageFormatModeGray, ImageFormatModeRGB8,
  ImageFormatModeRGBA8, ImageFormatModeARGB8, ImageFormatModeBGR8, ImageFormatModeBGRA8,
  ImageFormatModeYUV422, ImageFormatBayerBg, ImageFormatBayerGb, ImageFormatBayerRg,
  ImageFormatBayerGr, ImageFormatDigiclopsStereo, ImageFormatDigiclopsRight, ImageFormatDigiclopsBoth,
enum  ImageCompression { ImageCompressionNone, ImageCompressionJpeg, ImageCompressionPng }
enum  LogState
 States of the logging process.
enum  OgMapType
 OG map type.
enum  PathPlanner2dResult
 Error codes for results of planning a path.
enum  PointCloudType
enum  ChargingState { ChargingYes, ChargingNo, ChargingUnknown }
 Battery charging state. More...
enum  ReplayState
 States of the log playing process.
enum  SubsystemStatusType {
  SubsystemStatusInitialising, SubsystemStatusOk, SubsystemStatusWarning, SubsystemStatusFault,
 Possible subsystem status values. More...
enum  VehicleControlType {
  VehicleControlVelocityDifferential, VehicleControlVelocityBicycle, VehicleControlVelocitySynchro, VehicleControlVelocityAckerman,
enum  VehicleGeometryType { VehicleGeometryCuboid, VehicleGeometryCylindrical, VehicleGeometryOther }
 A set of of possible vehicle geometry descriptions. More...
enum  LinkQualityType { LinkQualityTypeUnknown, LinkQualityTypeDbm, LinkQualityTypeRelative }
 Interpretation of link quality. More...
enum  OperationMode {
  OperationModeUnknown, OperationModeAuto, OperationModeAdhoc, OperationModeInfrastructure,
  OperationModeMaster, OperationModeRepeat, OperationModeSecondRepeater
 Operation modes. More...


sequence< BinaryDeviceDataBinaryDevicesData
sequence< bool > BoolSeq
 A sequence of bools.
sequence< byte > ByteSeq
 A sequence of bytes.
sequence< short > ShortSeq
 A sequence of shorts.
sequence< int > IntSeq
 A sequence of ints.
sequence< float > FloatSeq
 A sequence of floats.
sequence< double > DoubleSeq
 A sequence of doubles.
sequence< string > StringSeq
 A sequence of strings.
dictionary< string, string > StringStringDict
 A mapping from one string to another.
sequence< Feature2dFeature2dSequence
 A list of features.
sequence< Pose2dHypothesisPose2dHypotheses
 A set of Gaussian pose hypotheses: essentially a mixture of Gaussians.
sequence< Pose3dHypothesisPose3dHypotheses
 A set of Gaussian pose hypotheses: essentially a mixture of Gaussians.
sequence< ProvidedInterfaceProvidesInterfaces
 All provided interfaces.
sequence< RequiredInterfaceRequiresInterfaces
 All required interfaces.
sequence< OgCellLikelihoodOgObservation
 A sequence of likelihoods forms an observation.
sequence< SingleParticle2dParticle2dSequence
 A sequence of particles.
sequence< Waypoint2dPath2d
 A sequence of waypoints.
sequence< PixelPixels
 A sequence of pixels representing an image.
sequence< SinglePolarFeature2dPolarFeature2dSequence
 A sequence of individual features.
sequence< BatteryDataBatteriesData
dictionary< string, SubsystemStatusSubsystemsStatus
 Status for all subsystems of this component.
sequence< WifiInterfaceWifiInterfaces
 A data structure which keeps individual wifi interfaces.

Detailed Description

Defines cross-platform interfaces and data objects.

This namespace defines the core reusable part of Orca: interfaces and objects.


Webmaster: Tobias Kaupp (tobasco at users.sourceforge.net)

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