Classes |
interface | BinaryIndicator |
| Interface to a device with a binary state. More...
struct | BinaryDeviceData |
struct | BinarySwitchData |
| Information about the binary devices of a robot. More...
interface | BinarySwitch |
| Interface to a device with a binary state. More...
struct | CartesianPoint2d |
| 2D position in Cartesian coordinate system. More...
struct | CartesianVelocity2d |
| 2D velocity in Cartesian coordinate system. More...
struct | CartesianAcceleration2d |
| 2D acceleration in Cartesian coordinate system. More...
struct | PolarPoint2d |
| 2D position in polar coordinate system. More...
struct | PolarVelocity2d |
| 2D velocity in polar coordinate system. More...
struct | PolarAcceleration2d |
| 2D acceleration in polar coordinate system. More...
struct | Vector2d |
| 2D vector. More...
struct | Frame2d |
| Planar position. More...
struct | Twist2d |
| Planar velocity. More...
struct | Force2d |
| Vector representing a linear force. More...
struct | Wrench2d |
| Planar force. More...
struct | Size2d |
| Planar continuous dimensions. More...
struct | DiscreteSize2d |
| Planar discrete dimensions. More...
struct | CartesianPoint |
| 3D position in Cartesian coordinate system. More...
struct | CartesianVector |
| 3D vector More...
struct | CartesianVelocity |
| 3D velocity in Cartesian coordinate system. More...
struct | CartesianAcceleration |
| 3D acceleration in Cartesian coordinate system. More...
struct | AngularVelocity |
| 3D angular velocity. More...
struct | AngularAcceleration |
| 3D angular acceleration. More...
struct | Force |
| Vector representing a linear force. More...
struct | Moment |
| Moment of force. More...
struct | Twist3d |
| Spatial velocity: ordered couple (V,W) of two vectors. More...
struct | Wrench |
| Spatial force: ordered couple (F,M) of two vectors. More...
struct | OrientationE |
| Orientation defined by angles. More...
struct | Frame3d |
| Spatial position. More...
struct | Size3d |
| Spatial continuous dimensions. More...
struct | DiscreteSize3d |
| Spatial discrete dimensions. More...
interface | Button |
| Interface to a device with a binary state. More...
class | CameraDescription |
| Camera configuration objectd. More...
class | CameraData |
interface | CameraConsumer |
interface | Camera |
| Interface to the camera. More...
struct | CpuInfo |
| General CPU information. More...
struct | CpuData |
| Current CPU information. More...
interface | CpuConsumer |
| Subscriber to CPU information. More...
interface | Cpu |
| Interface to CPU information. More...
struct | Time |
| Unix absolute time. More...
struct | TimeOfDay |
struct | Date |
| Date of the year. More...
struct | DriveBicycleCommand |
| Bicycle command: steering angle & velocity. More...
struct | DriveBicycleData |
| Bicycle data: commanded and actual steering angle & velocity. More...
interface | DriveBicycleConsumer |
| Data consumer interface. More...
interface | DriveBicycle |
struct | DriveDifferentialDescription |
| Description of differential steering mechanism. More...
struct | DriveDifferentialData |
| Differential steering velocity command. More...
interface | DriveDifferential |
struct | EStopData |
exception | EStopAlreadyTriggeredException |
| Raised when a keep-alive is sent to an estop-disabled platform. More...
interface | EStop |
| Interface to e-stop. More...
exception | OrcaException |
| A generic run-time exception. More...
exception | ConfigurationNotExistException |
| Server failed to configure itself as requrested by client. More...
exception | DataNotExistException |
exception | HardwareFailedException |
| Indicates a problem with robot hardware, e.g. sensors and actuators. More...
exception | SubscriptionFailedException |
| Raised when the server fails to subscribe client for periodic updates. More...
exception | BusyException |
| Raised when the component is too busy to process requests. More...
exception | RequiredInterfaceFailedException |
| Raised when a component failed to connect to a required interface. More...
exception | MalformedParametersException |
| Raised when one or more parameters to a remote request were malformed. More...
exception | OperationNotImplementedException |
| Raised when a remote operation is not implemented. More...
class | Feature2d |
| Generic 2D feature. More...
struct | PointCovariance2d |
| 2d Covariance Matrix More...
class | CartesianPointFeature2d |
| A basic x-y point feature. More...
class | CartesianLineFeature2d |
class | CartesianPoseFeature2d |
| A point feature with a heading. More...
struct | FeatureMap2dData |
| Data describing generic 2D features. More...
interface | FeatureMap2dConsumer |
| Consumer of FeatureMap2d data. More...
interface | FeatureMap2d |
| An interface to a map of features. More...
struct | GpsDescription |
| Gps config structure. More...
struct | GpsData |
| Gps data structure. More...
interface | GpsConsumer |
interface | Gps |
| Access to GpsData (raw data). More...
class | HandConfig |
| Laser configuration data structure. More...
class | HandData |
interface | HandConsumer |
| Consumer of laser scans. More...
interface | HandProducer |
| Single-origin scanning range sensor. More...
struct | HomeData |
| Contains data on the component's interfaces. More...
interface | Home |
| Access to information about components interfaces. More...
class | ImageDescription |
| Static description of the image source. More...
class | ImageData |
| A single image. More...
interface | ImageConsumer |
| Interface to the image consumer. More...
interface | Image |
| Interface to the image provider. More...
struct | ImuDescription |
| Imu configuration objectd. More...
struct | ImuData |
interface | ImuConsumer |
interface | Imu |
| Access to IMU data. More...
struct | InsDescription |
| Ins configuration objectd. More...
struct | InsData |
interface | InsConsumer |
interface | Ins |
| Access to INS data. More...
class | LaserScanner2dData |
| Laser scan data structure adds return-intensity information to rangescanner data. More...
interface | LaserScanner2d |
| Single-origin scanning range sensor. More...
struct | Pose2dHypothesis |
| A Gaussian distribution over pose space. More...
struct | Localise2dData |
| Location estimate. More...
interface | Localise2dConsumer |
interface | Localise2d |
| Access to odometry of 2d mobile robitic bases. More...
struct | Pose3dHypothesis |
| A Gaussian distribution over pose space. More...
struct | Localise3dData |
| Localise3d data structure. More...
interface | Localise3dConsumer |
interface | Localise3d |
| Access pose of 3d mobile robotic bases. More...
struct | LogData |
| Information about the status of the logging process. More...
interface | Log |
| Interface to the loggiing process. More...
struct | FQExecutableName |
| Fully qualified executable name. More...
struct | FQComponentName |
| Fully qualified component name. More...
struct | FQInterfaceName |
| Fully qualified interface name. Usually represented in a single string as 'iface@platform/component'. More...
struct | FQTopicName |
| Fully qualified Ice Storm topic name. The idea is that the same interface can publish to multiple topics corresponding different data streams. When written as a string, this is formatted as:
- interface/topicName/component.
struct | ProvidedInterface |
| Brief version of provided interface data. More...
struct | RequiredInterface |
| Brief version of required interface data. More...
struct | ComponentData |
| Component data. More...
struct | Odometry2dData |
| Odometry2d data structure. More...
interface | Odometry2dConsumer |
| Data consumer interface. More...
interface | Odometry2d |
| Access to odometry of 2d mobile robotic bases. More...
struct | Odometry3dData |
| Odometric data structure. More...
interface | Odometry3dConsumer |
| Data consumer interface. More...
interface | Odometry3d |
| Access to odometry of mobile robotic bases. More...
struct | OgFusionConfig |
| Description of the OgFusion interface. More...
struct | OgCellLikelihood |
| A basic structure for individual likelihoods per cell. More...
struct | OgFusionData |
interface | OgFusion |
struct | OgMapData |
| Occupancy-grid representation of a portion of the world. More...
interface | OgMapConsumer |
interface | OgMap |
| Access to occupancy-grid map. More...
class | OGPatchMap |
interface | OGPatchMapConsumer |
class | OrcaObject |
| Base class for data types in Orca. More...
struct | SingleParticle2d |
| A single particle. More...
struct | Particle2dData |
interface | Particle2dConsumer |
| Consumer of 2d particles. More...
interface | Particle2d |
| Interface for a 2d particle-based localiser. More...
struct | Waypoint2d |
| A single waypoint. More...
struct | PathFollower2dData |
interface | PathFollower2dConsumer |
| Consumer of path updates. More...
interface | PathFollower2d |
| The Path Follower. More...
struct | PathPlanner2dData |
| Data structure for resulting path including error codes. More...
interface | PathPlanner2dConsumer |
| Consumer of a planned path. More...
struct | PathPlanner2dTask |
interface | PathPlanner2d |
| Planning a path in 2D. More...
exception | PingException |
| Thrown when something goes wrong. More...
interface | Pinger |
| An interface which provides the well-known ping service. More...
struct | Pixel |
| Represents a single pixel encoded as Red-Green-Blue intensities. More...
struct | PixMapData |
| Data for PixMap interface. More...
interface | PixMapConsumer |
interface | PixMap |
| Access to pixMap. More...
struct | PointCloudDescription |
| Description of the point cloud. More...
struct | PointCloudData |
| Point cloud data structure. More...
interface | PointCloudConsumer |
| Point cloud consumer. More...
interface | PointCloud |
| Interface for a 3d point cloud. More...
struct | PolarFeature2dDescription |
| Device description. More...
class | SinglePolarFeature2d |
class | PointPolarFeature2d |
class | PosePolarFeature2d |
class | LinePolarFeature2d |
struct | PolarFeature2dData |
| A single data transmission may include a sequence of 2D polar features. More...
interface | PolarFeature2dConsumer |
interface | PolarFeature2d |
| Interface to features in a polar coordinate system. More...
struct | BatteryData |
struct | PowerData |
| Information about the power subsystem of a robot. More...
interface | PowerConsumer |
| Interface to the consumer of power information. More...
interface | Power |
| Access to a robot's power subsystem. More...
struct | PropertiesData |
| Information about properties. More...
interface | PropertiesConsumer |
| Subscriber to Properties information. More...
interface | Properties |
| Interface to Properties information. More...
struct | PtzGeometry |
| PTZ geometry data structure. More...
struct | PtzData |
interface | PtzConsumer |
| Consumer of ptz updates. More...
interface | Ptz |
| Single-origin scanning range sensor. More...
struct | QGraphics2dData |
| QGraphics2d command structure: tells how to paint something. More...
interface | QGraphics2dConsumer |
interface | QGraphics2d |
| Access to the drawable entity. More...
struct | RangeScanner2dDescription |
| Device description. More...
class | RangeScanner2dData |
interface | RangeScanner2dConsumer |
| Consumesrange scans. More...
interface | RangeScanner2d |
| Single-origin scanning range sensor. More...
struct | ReplayData |
| Information about the status of the replay process. More...
interface | Replay |
| Interface to the log playing process. More...
struct | SubsystemStatus |
| Status for a single subsystem of this component. More...
struct | StatusData |
| Component status data. More...
interface | StatusConsumer |
interface | Status |
| Access to a robot's status subsystem. More...
struct | Covariance2d |
struct | Covariance3d |
struct | TracerData |
| Component status data. More...
interface | TracerConsumer |
struct | TracerVerbosityConfig |
| Verbosity levels for different trace types. More...
interface | Tracer |
| Routes different types of information to different destinations. More...
class | VehicleControlDescription |
class | VehicleControlVelocityDifferentialDescription |
| Static description of a Velocity-controlled Differential-Drive vehicle. More...
class | VehicleControlVelocityBicycleDescription |
| Static description of a Velocity-controlled Bicycle-Drive vehicle. More...
class | VehicleGeometryDescription |
class | VehicleGeometryCylindricalDescription |
class | VehicleGeometryCuboidDescription |
struct | VehicleDescription |
| General description of a robotic vehicle. More...
struct | VelocityControl2dData |
| Velocity command object. More...
interface | VelocityControl2d |
| Sends velocity command to a 2D mobile robot. More...
struct | WifiInterface |
| Contains information per wireless interface, e.g. eth1. More...
struct | WifiData |
| Wireless signal data. More...
interface | WifiConsumer |
| Subscriber to Wifi information. More...
interface | Wifi |
| Interface to Wifi information. More...
Enumerations |
enum | GpsPositionType { GpsPositionTypeNotAvailable,
} |
enum | ImageFormat {
} |
enum | ImageCompression { ImageCompressionNone,
} |
enum | LogState |
| States of the logging process.
enum | OgMapType |
| OG map type.
enum | PathPlanner2dResult |
| Error codes for results of planning a path.
enum | PointCloudType |
enum | ChargingState { ChargingYes,
} |
| Battery charging state. More...
enum | ReplayState |
| States of the log playing process.
enum | SubsystemStatusType {
} |
| Possible subsystem status values. More...
enum | VehicleControlType {
} |
enum | VehicleGeometryType { VehicleGeometryCuboid,
} |
| A set of of possible vehicle geometry descriptions. More...
enum | LinkQualityType { LinkQualityTypeUnknown,
} |
| Interpretation of link quality. More...
enum | OperationMode {
} |
| Operation modes. More...
Variables |
sequence< BinaryDeviceData > | BinaryDevicesData |
sequence< bool > | BoolSeq |
| A sequence of bools.
sequence< byte > | ByteSeq |
| A sequence of bytes.
sequence< short > | ShortSeq |
| A sequence of shorts.
sequence< int > | IntSeq |
| A sequence of ints.
sequence< float > | FloatSeq |
| A sequence of floats.
sequence< double > | DoubleSeq |
| A sequence of doubles.
sequence< string > | StringSeq |
| A sequence of strings.
dictionary< string, string > | StringStringDict |
| A mapping from one string to another.
sequence< Feature2d > | Feature2dSequence |
| A list of features.
sequence< Pose2dHypothesis > | Pose2dHypotheses |
| A set of Gaussian pose hypotheses: essentially a mixture of Gaussians.
sequence< Pose3dHypothesis > | Pose3dHypotheses |
| A set of Gaussian pose hypotheses: essentially a mixture of Gaussians.
sequence< ProvidedInterface > | ProvidesInterfaces |
| All provided interfaces.
sequence< RequiredInterface > | RequiresInterfaces |
| All required interfaces.
sequence< OgCellLikelihood > | OgObservation |
| A sequence of likelihoods forms an observation.
sequence< SingleParticle2d > | Particle2dSequence |
| A sequence of particles.
sequence< Waypoint2d > | Path2d |
| A sequence of waypoints.
sequence< Pixel > | Pixels |
| A sequence of pixels representing an image.
sequence< SinglePolarFeature2d > | PolarFeature2dSequence |
| A sequence of individual features.
sequence< BatteryData > | BatteriesData |
dictionary< string, SubsystemStatus > | SubsystemsStatus |
| Status for all subsystems of this component.
sequence< WifiInterface > | WifiInterfaces |
| A data structure which keeps individual wifi interfaces.
This namespace defines the core reusable part of Orca: interfaces and objects.