orcaifaceimpl::AbstractBinarySwitchCallback | BinarySwitch needs a pointer to a callback object implementing these |
orcaifaceimpl::AbstractEStopCallback | EStop needs a pointer to a callback object implementing these |
orcaicegrid::AbstractIceGridManager | Creates and maintains an IceGrid admin session |
orcaifaceimpl::AbstractPathFollowerCallback | PathFollower2dImpl needs a pointer to a callback object implementing these |
hydronavutil::Acceleration | Acceleration of a 2D robot with no side-slip |
orcaice::Activator | A 'fire-and-forget' component activator |
hydrobros1::AngularAcceleration3d | 3D angular acceleration |
hydrobros1::AngularVelocity3d | 3D angular velocity |
orcaice::Application | Similar to Ice::Application, plus some Orca-specifc stuff |
hydropathplan::AStarPathPlanner | |
orcalog::AutoLogger | An AutoLogger simply logs continuously once it's started |
orcalog::AutoLoggerFactory | Factory of AutoLogger instances |
hydrointerfaces::Bicycle | Abstract interface class for providing access to a generic robotic platform with bicycle steering |
hydrointerfaces::BicycleFactory | Helper class to instantiate drivers |
BinarySwitchData | Binary Switch data structure |
orcaifaceimpl::BinarySwitchImpl | |
orcaifaceimpl::BufferedConsumerImpl< ProviderType, ConsumerType, ObjectType, ConsumerTypeIType > | |
orcaqgui2d::ButtonElement | |
orcaifaceimpl::ButtonImpl | |
hydrointerfaces::SegwayRmp::Capabilities | Capabilities of the hardware |
hydrobros1::CartesianAcceleration2d | 2D acceleration in Cartesian coordinate system |
hydrobros1::CartesianAcceleration3d | 3D acceleration in Cartesian coordinate system |
hydrobros1::CartesianPoint2d | 2D position in Cartesian coordinate system |
hydrobros1::CartesianPoint3d | 3D position in Cartesian coordinate system |
hydrobros1::CartesianVector3d | 3D vector |
hydrobros1::CartesianVelocity2d | 2D velocity in Cartesian coordinate system |
hydrobros1::CartesianVelocity3d | 3D velocity in Cartesian coordinate system |
hydropathplan::Cell2D | A light weight 2d cell reference containing a x and y index |
hydrointerfaces::SegwayRmp::Command | Motion command structure |
hydrointerfaces::Bicycle::Command | Motion command structure |
hydrointerfaces::HumanInput2d::Command | |
hydrointerfaces::RangeScanNav2d::Command | Motion command structure |
hydrointerfaces::Robot2d::Command | Motion command structure |
hydroglu::CompileException | Raised with a glsl shader cannot be compiled correctly |
orcaice::Component | Base class for all Components using libOrcaIce |
orcaquml::Component | UML Component element |
orcadef::ComponentCfg | Holds the information for component configuration |
orcacm::ComponentData | |
orcaice::ComponentDeactivatingException | |
orcadef::ComponentDef | Holds the information for component definition |
orcaquml::ComponentGeom | On-screen geometry of a component. Used to save and reload on-screen configuration |
orcacm::ComponentHeader | |
orcaquml::ComponentModel | A class to hold all relevant component information |
hydroimage::Config | Image Configuration Structure |
hydrointerfaces::Gps::Config | General configuration of a Gps system; empty for now |
hydrointerfaces::PathPlanner2d::Config | Puts together the configuration details |
hydrointerfaces::InsGps::Config | General configuration of a Ins/Gps system; empty for now |
hydroutil::Properties::Config | Configuration structure for Properties |
hydrointerfaces::Disparity::Config | Configuration structure |
hydroiceutil::EventScheduler::Config | Event schedule configuration structure |
hydroiceutil::JobQueue::Config | Job queue configuration structure |
hydrointerfaces::LaserScanner2d::Config | Configuration structure |
orcadef::ConfigCfg | Configuration option |
orcadef::ConfigDef | Definition of a configuration option |
orcaice::ConfigFileException | This exception is raised when something goes wrong while reading the configuration file |
orcaifaceimpl::ConsumerImpl< ProviderType, ConsumerType, ObjectType, ConsumerTypeIType > | |
orcaifaceimpl::ConsumerSubscriber | |
orcaice::Context | Component's naming and networking information |
hydroutil::Context | Driver's properties, tracer, status etc |
hydroqgui::CoordinateFrameManager | Manages on which platform the origin of the coordinate frame is located. The special platform "global" puts the origin on no particular platform but colocates it with the map origin instead |
hydropathplan::CostEvaluator | A function for setting the cost based on the distance from an obstacle |
hydronavutil::Cov2d | 2d covariance matrix |
hydroqguielementutil::Cov2d | |
hydronavutil::Cov3d | 3d covariance matrix |
hydroutil::CpuStopwatch | Times user-space CPU time |
hydrointerfaces::SegwayRmp::Data | Data structure |
hydroimage::Data | Image Data Structure |
hydrointerfaces::Bicycle::Data | Data structure returned by read() |
hydrointerfaces::Gps::Data | Gps data structure |
hydrointerfaces::RangerArray::Data | Data structure returned by read() |
hydrointerfaces::Robot2d::Data | Data structure |
hydrointerfaces::LaserScanner2d::Data | Data structure returned by read() |
hydropathplan::DefaultCostEvaluator | A reasonable default: all non-obstacle cells have unit cost |
orcaqgui2d::DefaultFactory | |
orcaqgui3d::DefaultFactory | |
hydrointerfaces::RangerArray::Description | Description structure returned by getDescription() |
hydrobros1::DiscreteSize2d | Planar discrete dimensions |
hydrobros1::DiscreteSize3d | Spatial discrete dimensions |
hydrointerfaces::Disparity | Abstract class for a stereo image correspondance, or disparity, source |
hydrointerfaces::DisparityFactory | Helper class to instantiate drivers |
hydrolfextract::DoorExtractor | |
hydrolfextract::DoorFeatureExtractor | |
orcaifaceimpl::DriveBicycleImpl | |
orcaqgui2d::DriveBicyclePainter | Paints ranger returns |
orcalog::DummyReplayer | This one can be used for unsupported or disabled interfaces |
hydrodll::DynamicallyLoadedLibrary | |
hydrodll::DynamicLoadException | Dynamic load exception |
orcaifaceimpl::EStopImpl | |
hydroiceutil::Event | |
hydroiceutil::EventJob | |
hydroiceutil::EventLoop | |
hydroiceutil::EventQueue | Thread-safe event queue |
hydroiceutil::EventQueueHolder | A class which lets outsiders to post events into its own event queue |
hydroiceutil::EventReceiver | A class which lets outsiders to post events into its own event queue |
hydroiceutil::EventScheduler | |
hydrointerfaces::Bicycle::Exception | Exception thrown by implementations of Bicycle interface |
orcadef::Exception | Base class for exceptions coming from libOrcaDef |
hydronavutil::Exception | Exception thrown by hydronavutil stuff |
hydrointerfaces::MitsubishiPA10::Exception | Exception thrown by implementations of SegwayRmp interface |
usbftdi::Exception | |
orcalog::Exception | Base class for exceptions coming from libOrcaLog |
hydropathplan::Exception | |
hydrointerfaces::PathPlanner2d::Exception | |
hydroqgui::Exception | |
wifiutil::Exception | Exceptions for wifi access |
hydrointerfaces::Robot2d::Exception | Exception thrown by implementations of Robot2d interface |
orcalog::Factory | |
orcaprobe::Factory | |
orcaqgui2d::FeatureMap2dElement | |
orcaqgui3d::FeatureMap2dElement | |
hydrofeatureobs::FeatureObs | The base-class from which all feature observations derive |
orcafeatureobs::FeatureObsPublisher | Publishes range scans out an orca interface |
orcadef::FileException | Throw it when something is wrong with reading the definition file |
orcalog::FileException | Raised when something is wrong with reading the definition file |
hydroglu::FileNotFoundException | Raised when a glsl file cannot be found |
hydroglu::FileReadException | Raised when a glsl file cannot be read correctly |
hydrobros1::Force2d | Vector representing a linear force |
hydrobros1::Force3d | Vector representing a linear force |
orcalog::FormatNotSupportedException | Raised when a format is specified which the slave logger does not support |
hydrobros1::Frame2d | Planar position |
hydrobros1::Frame3d | Spatial position |
hydronavutil::Gaussian | A single component of a Gmm |
orcalog::GenericAutoLogger< ProviderType, ConsumerType, ObjectType, LogWriterType > | |
hydrointerfaces::InsGps::GenericData | Generic (base) type returned by a read |
hydroogmap::GenericMap< T > | |
orcalog::GenericSnapshotLogger< ProviderType, ConsumerType, ObjectType, LogWriterType > | |
orcaqcm::GetComponentsJob | |
hydroglu::GLFrameBuffer | Class that wraps an OpenGL framebuffer object in a simplistic manner |
hydroglu::GLProcess | An interface that describes an small portion of an GPGPU algorithm |
hydroglu::GLProgram | Wrapper for a GLSL program This class wraps most functionality needed to use GLSL, a compact language that typically is run in a vector processing manner on a video card |
hydroglu::GLTexture | Class that wraps an OpenGL texture Gives the ability to the user to use OpenGL textures in an object oriented manner |
hydroglu::GLVertexShader | Wrapper for a GLSL Vertex Shader Class that wraps a GLSL VertexShader and frequently used functionality |
hydronavutil::Gmm | A Gaussian Mixture Model (GMM) representing a distribution over 2D robot poses |
hydrointerfaces::Gps | Abstract class for a GPS system |
hydrointerfaces::InsGps::GpsData | Gps: global position, plus velocity |
hydrointerfaces::GpsFactory | Helper class to instantiate drivers |
orcaqgui2d::GridElement | Paints a rectangular grid in the display |
orcaqgui3d::GridElement | Paints a rectangular grid in the 3d display |
hydroogmap::GridIndices | A cell in the grid |
hydroqguielementutil::GuiElement | A basic GUI component with a type and a unique ID |
hydroqguielementutil::GuiElement2d | |
orcaqgui3d::GuiElement3d | |
hydroqguielementutil::GuiElementInfo | Essential information required by all GUI elements |
orcaqgemv::GuiElementModel | Stores the set of GuiElements |
hydroqgui::GuiElementSet | Stores the set of all GuiElements |
hydroqguielementutil::GuiElementStuff | Information common to all GUI elements |
orcaice::Heartbeater | Small utility class for keeping track of regular heartbeats |
hydroutil::History | Storage of historical information about component's activities. The idea is to keep persistent record of component's startups and shutdowns. A component can add arbitrary text information to the progress report |
orcaice::Home | Local API to component information |
orcacm::HomeHeader | Information about a Home object |
hydrointerfaces::HumanInput2d | Abstract interface class for human teleoperation input |
hydrointerfaces::HumanInput2dFactory | Helper class to instantiate drivers |
orcaicegrid::IceGridManager | Wraps up functions remotely controlling an IceGrid Registry |
orcaicegrid::IceGridSession | Creates and maintains an IceGrid admin session |
orcaqguielementutil::IceStormElement< DataType, ProxyType, ConsumerType, ConsumerPrxType > | Base class for gui elements that receive data from IceStorm |
orcaqguielementutil::IceStormListener< DataType, ProxyType, ConsumerType, ConsumerPrxType, SubscriptionMakerType, UnSubscriptionMakerType > | Listens to IceStorm and stores the incoming data |
hydrofeatureobs::IFeatureObsPublisher | Publishes feature observation information (eg. to some viewer application) |
hydroqgui::IGuiElementFactory | |
orcaqgui::IGuiElementFactory | Simply allows for orcaice::Context to be set |
hydroqguielementutil::IHumanManager | Interface for managing the humans: allows display of messages and access to menus/tool-bars |
orcaqgui3d::IKnowsPlatformPosition | |
hydroqguielementutil::IKnowsPlatformPosition2d | GUIs need to paint some things centred on a platform's position. Inheriting from this interface means that the GUI element knows where the platform is located |
hydrointerfaces::Image | Abstract class for a image source |
hydrointerfaces::ImageConverter | Abstract class for a imageconverter source |
hydrointerfaces::ImageConverterFactory | Helper class to instantiate drivers |
hydrointerfaces::ImageFactory | Helper class to instantiate drivers |
hydroimage::ImageFormat | An class that represents a particular image format and all of the information needed by various algorithms to work with it |
hydrointerfaces::InsGps::ImuData | Imu: strapdown inertial measurements |
hydrointerfaces::InsGps::InsData | Ins: global position plus velocity orientation |
hydrointerfaces::InsGps | Abstract class for a Ins/Gps system |
hydrointerfaces::InsGpsFactory | Helper class to instantiate drivers |
orcadef::InterfaceCfg | Configuration of an interface |
orcacm::InterfaceData | |
orcadef::InterfaceDef | Definition of an interface |
wifiutil::IoctlData | Wireless data structure for ioctl-obtainable data |
hydroqguipath::IPathInput | |
hydropathplan::IPathPlanner2d | |
hydroqgui::IStringToColorMap | Manages a mapping from strings to colours |
hydroiceutil::Job | |
hydroiceutil::JobQueue | A queue of jobs to be processed |
hydroiceutil::JobQueueStatus | Current status of the job queue |
hydrointerfaces::LaserFeatureExtractor | Abstract class for a laser feature extraction algorithm |
hydrointerfaces::LaserFeatureExtractorFactory | Helper class to instantiate drivers |
hydrointerfaces::LaserScanner2d | Abstract class for a scanning laser |
orcaqgui3d::LaserScanner2dElement | 3d element |
hydrointerfaces::LaserScanner2dFactory | Helper class to instantiate drivers |
orcaqgui2d::LaserScanner2dPainter | Paints laser scans |
orcaqgui3d::LaserScanner2dPainter | LaserPainter paints laser scans |
geom2d::Line | |
hydrolfextract::LineExtractor | |
hydrofeatureobs::LineFeatureObs | An observation of a single line |
hydroglu::LinkException | Raised with a glsl shader program cannot be linked correctly |
hydroiceutil::LocalHistory | Writes component's run history to a local file |
hydroiceutil::LocalStatus | |
hydroiceutil::LocalTracer | Full-featured local tracing |
orcalog::LogReader | |
orcalog::LogReaderInfo | |
orcalog::LogWriter | Base class for all interface slaves Sets up a data file and registers with the MasterFileWriter. The individual log writers (e.g. LaserLogWriter) inherit from this class |
orcalog::LogWriterInfo | |
orcaqgui::MainWindow | |
hydrointerfaces::MitsubishiPA10::ManipulatorCommand | Motion command structure |
hydrointerfaces::MitsubishiPA10::ManipulatorData | Data structure |
hydroogmap::MapRayTracer< MapType, MapCellTracer > | Adapts the RayTracer gear for dealing with 'GenericMap's. The template parameter CellTracer gets called once per cell that we trace through. Note that we guarantee that CellTracer doesn't get called for a cell outside the map. For an example CellTracer, see OgLosTracer |
orcalog::MasterFileReader | Knows how to parse a master file |
orcalog::MasterFileWriteHandler | |
orcalog::MasterFileWriter | Maintains the master file |
hydrointerfaces::MitsubishiPA10Factory | Helper class to instantiate drivers |
hydrobros1::Moment3d | Moment of force |
hydroqguielementutil::MouseEventManager | Manages sharing of mouse events: a global resource |
hydrointerfaces::MultiImage | Abstract class for an multiimage source |
hydrointerfaces::MultiImageFactory | Helper class to instantiate drivers |
orcaice::NetworkException | This exception is raised when something is wrong with the network connection |
orcaifaceimpl::NotifyingConsumerImpl< ProviderType, ConsumerType, ObjectType, ConsumerTypeIType > | |
hydrofeatureobs::NullFeatureObsPublisher | |
orcaqgui3d::ObjectModel | A 3-D model of an object, loaded from a .3ds model |
orcaqcm::OcmDelegate | |
orcaqcm::OcmModel | |
orcaqcm::OcmView | |
orcaqgui2d::Odometry2dPainter | Odometry2DPainter is used for displaying the odometric velocities in the robotic platform frame |
orcapublish::Odometry2dPublisher | Publishes odom information on an orca interface |
orcapublish::Odometry2dPublisherFactory | Knows how to create Odometry2dPublisher's |
hydronavutil::OdometryDifferentiator | Feed in odometry, this will tell you what change each new bit of data represents |
hydroogmap::OgLosTracer | Computes whether line-of-sight exists in an occupancy grid map |
laser2og::OgSensorModel | |
orcacm::OperationData | |
orcacm::OperationHeader | |
hydrobros1::OrientationE3d | Orientation defined by angles |
orcalog::ParseException | Raised when something is wrong with parsing log file |
orcadef::ParseException | Throw it when something is wrong in parsing the definition file |
orcaqgui2d::Particle2dPainter | Particle2DPainter is used for displaying the particles from a Monte Carlo Localization component |
orcapublish::Particle2dPublisher | |
hydroqguipath::PathDesignScreen | |
hydroqguipath::PathDesignTableWidget | |
orcaqgui2d::PathFileHandler | |
orcaifaceimpl::PathFollower2dImpl | |
orcaqgui2d::PathFollowerInput | |
orcaqgui2d::PathFollowerInputFactory | |
orcaqgui2d::PathFollowerUserInteraction | |
hydroqguipath::PathInputFactory | |
hydrointerfaces::PathPlanner2d | Abstract class for 2D path planning |
hydrointerfaces::PathPlanner2dFactory | Helper class to instantiate drivers |
orcaqgui2d::PathPlannerInput | |
orcaqgui2d::PathPlannerUserInteraction | |
hydroping::Pinger | |
hydroping::PingException | |
orcaqgui2d::PixmapPainter | |
hydroqgui::PlatformCSFinder | Class to work out the coordinate-system of a platform. Applies a bunch of heuristics |
orcaqgui3d::PlatformCSFinder | Class to work out the coordinate-system of a platform. Applies a bunch of heuristics |
orcacm::PlatformData | |
hydroqgui::PlatformFocusChangeReceiver | Anyone interested in being notified about changes in platform focus should inherit from this |
orcaqgui::PlatformFocusCombo | A QCombo box allowing users to select the platform in focus |
hydroqgui::PlatformFocusManager | Manages which platform is in focus to help the user understand which platform he is interacting with. E.g. only the elements on the platform in focus are displayed and receive key presses and mouse events. The special platform "global" means everyone is in focus |
orcacm::PlatformHeader | |
geom2d::Point | |
orcaqgui3d::PointCloudElement | 3d element |
orcaqgui3d::PointCloudPainter | A 3D painter |
hydrofeatureobs::PointFeatureObs | A range-bearing observation of a single point feature |
hydrobros1::PolarAcceleration2d | 2D acceleration in polar coordinate system |
orcaqgui2d::PolarFeature2dPainter | PolarFeature2dPainter paints polar feature |
geom2d::PolarPoint | |
hydrobros1::PolarPoint2d | 2D position in polar coordinate system |
hydrobros1::PolarVelocity2d | 2D velocity in polar coordinate system |
hydronavutil::Pose | |
hydrofeatureobs::PoseFeatureObs | A range-bearing observation of a single pose feature |
hydroqguielementutil::PoseHistory | |
orcaice::PostActivationCallback | A hook to allow something to be done post-activation |
orcapotrace::PotraceBitmap | Encapsulates a potrace_bitmap_t |
orcapotrace::Potracer | Encapsulates a potrace tracer object (see http://potrace.sourceforge.net) |
orcaifaceimpl::PrintingConsumerImpl< ProviderType, ConsumerType, ObjectType, ConsumerTypeIType > | A convenience class for consumers with setData() operation |
wifiutil::ProcData | Wireless data structure for data obtainable from /etc/proc |
hydroutil::Properties | Container for key-value pairs, useful for storing configuration properties |
orcaifaceimpl::PropertiesImpl | |
orcadef::ProvidedCfg | Configuration of a provided interface |
orcadef::ProvidedDef | Definition of a provided interface |
orcaifaceimpl::ProviderImpl< ProviderType, ConsumerType, DataType > | |
orcaifaceimpl::ProviderWithDescriptionImpl< ProviderType, ConsumerType, DataType, DescriptionType > | |
orcacm::ProvidesHeader | |
orcaice::PtrBuffer< Type > | A thread-safe data pipe with buffer semantics for Ice smart pointers |
orcaice::PtrNotify< Type > | A data pipe with callback semantics for Ice smart pointers |
orcaice::PtrStore< Type > | Thread-safe storage for a single data object represented by an Ice smart pointer |
orcaqgui2d::QGraphics2dPainter | QGraphics2dPainter |
hydrointerfaces::PathPlanner2d::QGraphics2dPublisher | |
orcapublish::QGraphics2dPublisher | |
hydrointerfaces::RangerArray | Abstract class for a multi-origin ranger array |
hydrointerfaces::RangerArrayFactory | Helper class to instantiate drivers |
orcaqgui2d::RangerArrayPainter | Paints ranger returns |
hydrointerfaces::RangeScanNav2d | Abstract interface class for local navigation drivers |
hydrointerfaces::RangeScanNav2dFactory | Helper class to instantiate drivers |
orcaqgui3d::RangeScanner2dElement | 3d element |
orcapublish::RangeScanner2dPublisher | Publishes range scans out an orca interface |
orcapublish::RangeScanner2dPublisherFactory | Knows how to create RangeScanner2dPublisher's |
hydrosim2d::RangeScannerSimulator | Generates simulated range-scans based on an occupancy-grid |
hydroogmap::RayTracer< CellTracer > | Traces paths through a discrete grid |
hydroutil::RealTimeStopwatch | Times real time |
hydroiceutil::ReceiverIdNotExistException | This exception is raised when something is wrong with the hardware |
geom2d::Rect | |
hydrolfextract::ReflectorExtractor | |
hydrolfextract::ReflectorFeatureExtractor | |
orcacm::RegistryFlatData | Registry data which lists components |
orcacm::RegistryHierarchicalData1 | Registry data which lists platforms |
orcacm::RegistryHierarchicalData2 | Registry data which lists components on one platform |
orcacm::RegistryHomeData | Registry data |
orcaqgemv::RegSelectView | Shows the contents of the Registry, allows users to click on things to add them |
orcalog::Replayer | |
orcalog::ReplayerFactory | Factory of log replayers |
orcadef::RequiredCfg | Configuration of a required interface |
orcadef::RequiredDef | Definition of a required interface |
orcacm::RequiresHeader | |
orcacm::ResultHeader | Brief version of operation result |
hydrointerfaces::Robot2d | Abstract interface class for providing access to a generic 2D robotic platform |
hydrointerfaces::Robot2dFactory | Helper class to instantiate drivers |
hydroqguielementutil::ScopedSaver | |
orcaqgui::MainWindow::ScreenDumpParams | Configuration parameters for screen capture |
hydrointerfaces::SegwayRmp | Abstract interface class for providing access to Segway's RMP robotic platform |
hydrointerfaces::SegwayRmpFactory | Helper class to instantiate drivers |
orcaqgui::SelectableElementWidget | |
orcaice::Service | Base class to use when putting Orca components into an IceBox |
hydrointerfaces::MitsubishiPA10::ServoData | Servo data |
orcaicegrid::SessionNotConnectedException | This exception is raised when the session is not connected |
hydroqguielementutil::detail::ShortcutKey | |
hydroqguielementutil::ShortcutKeyManager | Manages sharing of shortcut keys (a global resource) between GuiElements |
hydroqguielementutil::ShortcutKeyReservation | RAII tool for managing reservations on shortcut-keys: unsubscribes when it falls out of scope |
hydropathplan::SimpleNavPathPlanner | |
hydroqguipath::SimplePathDesignTableWidget | |
hydroiceutil::SimpleTracer | Simple local tracing |
hydrobros1::Size2d | Planar continuous dimensions |
hydrobros1::Size3d | Spatial continuous dimensions |
hydropathplan::SkeletonPathPlanner | |
orcalog::SnapshotLogBuffer< ObjectType, LogWriterType > | A fixed-length (in time) circular buffer |
orcalog::SnapshotLogger | |
orcalog::SnapshotLoggerFactory | Factory of SnapshotLogger instances |
hydropathplan::sparseskel::SparseSkel | A sparse skeleton |
hydropathplan::SparseSkeletonPathPlanner | Similar to SkeletonPathPlanner, but faster |
hydrorobotdriverutil::StateMachine | A thread-safe state machine useful when writing robot hardware drivers |
orcasystemstatusutil::StatusConsumerImpl | |
hydroutil::Stopwatch | Base class for timing something |
orcaifaceimpl::StoringConsumerImpl< ProviderType, ConsumerType, ObjectType, ConsumerTypeIType > | |
hydroctext::Style | Combines attribute and colour into one structure |
hydroiceutil::SubsystemThread | A class implementing the common subsystem state machine, also catches all |
orcaice::SubsystemThread | A class implementing the common subsystem state machine, also catches all |
hydrogpsutil::TGeoModelData | Geod model |
hydrotime::Time | Lightweight time class with minimal dependencies |
hydrobros1::Twist2d | Planar velocity |
hydrobros1::Twist3d | Spatial velocity: ordered couple (V,W) of two vectors |
hydropathplan::TypeMap< Type > | |
orcaice::TypeMismatchException | This exception is raised if the required interface type does not match the proxy type |
hydroutil::Uncopyable | Handy way to avoid unintended copies |
hydroglu::UniformNotFoundException | Raised when a uniform variable in a shader can't be found |
hydrobros1::Vector2d | 2D vector |
hydrosim2d::VehicleSimulator | Simulates a vehicle moving in a 2D environment |
hydronavutil::Velocity | Velocity of a 2D robot with no side-slip |
orcaifaceimpl::VelocityControl2dImpl | |
multicameraviewocv::Viewer | Class for viewing multiple images simultaneously using OpenCV. This class sets up the OpenCV structures for storing image formats and displaying them |
imageviewocv::Viewer | Class for viewing images using OpenCV. This class sets up the OpenCV structures for storing image formats and displaying them |
orcaview3d::ViewHandler | Handles the camera's view position via keypresses and mouse dragging |
wifiutil::WirelessConfig | Wireless config data structure |
hydroogmap::WorldCoords | A point in the (continuous) world |
hydroqgui::WorldView | Displays a set of GuiElements in a geometrically-correct way |
hydrobros1::Wrench2d | Planar force |
hydrobros1::Wrench3d | Spatial force: ordered couple (F,M) of two vectors |
orcaicexml::XmlAttributesHelper | This code is extracted from IceGrid |
hydroqgui::ZoomWidget | A widget with zoom and pan capabilities |