Modules |
| BicyclePlayerClient |
| An implementation using Player client API.
| ImageFake |
| A fake implementation useful for debugging.
| GpsFake |
| A fake implementation useful for debugging.
| GpsGarmin |
| Garmin GPS receiver.
| HumanInput2dJoystick |
| Joystick driver for HumanInput2d hardware interface.
| HumanInput2dKbdIostream |
| Simple keyboard driver for HumanInput2d using iostream library.
| HumanInput2dKbdTermio |
| Keyboard driver for HumanInput2d using termio library.
| CameraOpenCV |
| A camera frame grabber using OpenCV.
| ImageDC1394 |
| A camera frame grabber using libdc1394-2.
| ImageFile |
| An image file implementation useful for debugging.
| InsGpsFake |
| A fake implementation useful for debugging.
| InsGpsNovatelSpan |
| A implementation for a NovatelSpan system a proprietray integrated novatel navigation system comsisting out of a gps receiver and a imu.
| LaserFeatureExtractorCombined |
| An ACFR implementation of a laser feature extractor.
| LaserScanner2dFake |
| A fake implementation useful for debugging.
| LaserScanner2dHokuyoAist |
| A wrapper for hokuyo_aist driver for Hukuyo's SCIP compatible lasers (distributed with Gearbox, tested with URG and UHG).
| LaserScanner2dPlayerClient |
| A wrapper for Player client.
| LaserScanner2dSickCarmen |
| A wrapper for project-Carmen implementation for SICK lasers.
| LaserScanner2dSickGbx |
| Gearbox driver for SICK laser range-finder.
| MhiPA10Arcnet |
| Hardware driver for MHI's PA-10 robot (using Arcnet hardware).
| MhiPA10Fake |
| Fake driver for MHI's PA-10 robot.
| MultiCameraOpenCV |
| A mutlicamera frame grabber using OpenCV. Typically used for stereo rigs.
| MultiImageFake |
| A fake implementation useful for debugging the MultiCameraServer.
| MultiImageFile |
| An multiimage file implementation useful for debugging.
| PathPlanner2dAcfr |
| An implementation of several classic path-planning algorithms.
| PathPlanner2dFake |
| A fake implementation useful for debugging.
| RangerArrayFake |
| A fake implementation useful for debugging.
| RangerArrayPlayerSonarClient |
| A wrapper for Player sonar client.
| Robot2dFake |
| A fake implementation useful for debugging.
| Robot2dPlayerClient |
| An implementation using Player client API.
| SegwayRmpAcfr |
| An ACFR implementation using USB and CAN interfaces.
| SegwayRmpFake |
| A fake implementation useful for debugging.
| SegwayRmpPlayerClient |
| An implementation using Player client API.
| libHydroPing |
| Library for making ICMP pings.
| Bicycle |
| Controls a bicycle with both steering and drive in the front wheel.
| CameraServer |
| A hardware abstraction component for Camera's.
| Disparity |
| A stereo camera correlation component. Takes in data from two cameras and produces a disparity map (best shift match).
| FaithLocaliser |
| A simple component that produces localisation info from 2D odometry.
| FaithLocaliser3d |
| A simple component that produces localisation info from 3D odometry.
| FeatureMapLoader |
| Serves a 2D feature map which is loaded from a file.
| GoalPlanner |
| Plans a path from where you are now to a goal.
| Gps |
| A hardware abstraction component for GPS receivers.
| Gps2Localise2d |
| Converts GPS information to Localise2d.
| ImageServer |
| An abstract component for image serving.
| ImageViewOcv |
| A simple viewer (that uses OpenCV) for displaying images from a component like imageserver or cameraserver.
| InsGps |
| A hardware abstraction component for InsGps systems.
| Laser2d |
| A hardware abstraction component for scanning laser range-finders.
| Laser2Og |
| Generates Occupancy Grid cell likelihoods from raw range scans.
| LaserFeatureExtractor |
| Extracts interesting features from laser scans.
| LaserMon |
| A simple monitoring component that prints laser ranges to display.
| RegistryView |
| A graphical viewer for the Orca Component Model.
| LocalNav |
| A Local Navigation component: follows a waypoint-defined path while avoiding obstacles.
| MultiCameraServer |
| A hardware abstraction component for a Collection of Cameras.
| MultiCameraViewOcv |
| A multi-camera viewer (that uses OpenCV) for displaying images from a component like multicameraserver.
| OgMapLoader |
| Serves an occupancy grid map which is loaded from an image file.
| OgNode |
| Fuses sequences of occupancy likelihoods.
| PathPlanner |
| Computes a path in a 2D occupancy grid map.
| PingServer |
| Can execute 'ping' and report results over a slice interface.
| PixMapLoader |
| Serves an pixel-based grid map which is loaded from an image file.
| PropertyServer |
| Centralised database of properties.
| RangerArray |
| A hardware abstraction component for multi-origin arrays of range-finders.
| Robot2d |
| Controls a 2-D mobile robot.
| SegwayRmp |
| Controls Segway RMP: a two-wheeled balancing robot.
| SimLocaliser |
| Produces simulated localisation.
| SystemStatus |
| Connects to any number of Status interfaces and aggregates their information.
| SystemStatusMon |
| Connects to a SystemStatus interface and displays its information.
| Teleop |
| Teleoperational control from a keyboard or joystick.
| TracerMon |
| Connects to Tracer interface and displays messages on screen.
| Wifi |
| Provides wireless interface data.
| IcePing |
| An equivalent to Unix ping for Orca components and Ice infrastructure.
| LogPlayer |
| Replays logged data.
| LogRecorder |
| Logs data and configurations from interfaces.
| OrcaView2d |
| Graphical display of global and local 2D information.
| OrcaView3d |
| 3D Graphical viewer.
| Pinger |
| A test component to measure object transmission times.
| Probe |
| A tool to browse and probe remote Orca interfaces.
| RegistryClean |
| A utility to remove unreachable components from the IceGrid Registry.
| RegistryList |
| A text viewer for the Orca Component Model.
| Replier |
| A test component to reply to timed object transmissions.
| SnapshotLogger |
| Logs data and configurations from interfaces when triggered.
| Brick |
| The most basic component.
| Orca2Yarp |
| An example of using Orca and Yarp in the same component.
| Player2Orca |
| An example of using Orca and Player in the same component.
| PureIce |
| An example of Orca component written in C++ which does NOT use libOrcaIce.
| ReactiveWalker |
| Makes reactive motion control decisions based on odometry and laser scans.