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Cross-OS operation: Linux and Windows
In this tutorial we will reproduce the setup of the Quick-Start Guide but now now the LaserMon component will run on a Windows machine. The system which we will assemble is shown in the diagram below. ![]() Start Up the Infrastructure in LinuxStart the IceGrid Registry and the IceStorm server on a Linux machine just as before (See Quick-Start Guide for instructions). Connect Two ComponentsFirst, copy default configuration files for the Laser2d and LaserMon components. $ mkdir -p ~/sys/tutedirect; cd ~/sys/tutedirect $ cp [ORCA-INSTALL]/share/orca/cfg/laser2d.cfg . $ cp [ORCA-INSTALL]/share/orca/cfg/lasermon.cfg .
In Linux you should already have a directory with the server configuration file (otherwise repeat the instructions of setting it up). Start the server. $ cd ~/sys/quickstart $ laser2d
On the Windows machine, start the terminal application. Create a separate directory for this system, copy the standard configuration file from the Orca installation directory. >cd C:\ >mkdir sys >cd sys >mkdir tutewin >cd tutewin >copy [ORCA-INSTALL]\cfg\lasermon.cfg . We have to modify the configuration file because the server now runs on a different platform (host). Replace [HOSTNAME] with the hostname of the Linux machine on which the server is running. # Required Interfaces LaserMon.Requires.Laser.Proxy=laserscanner2d@[HOSTNAME]/laser2d Start the client (here we assume that [ORCA-INSTALL] is in the PATH). >lasermon.exe You should see the scans scroll by on the screen, just as in the Starting Up the Infrastructure tutorial. If you see a dialog box from the Windows Firewall, you'll have to disable the firewall from the control panel. To stop components, type Ctrl-C. What's NextIf everything works, check out more Orca Tutorials. |
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