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Deploying components with the IceGrid Node
In this tutorial we will reproduce the setup of the Quick-Start Guide but now the Laser2d component will be deployed and activated with IceGrid Node. The system diagram is shown below. ![]() IceGrid is the location and activation service for Ice applications. For more information refer to the IceGrid Chapter of the Ice manual. Start Up the Infrastructure
Repeat the steps for starting IceGrid Registry (See Quick-Start Guide for instructions).
The IceGrid Node will activate our application. We create a separate directory for it to run in, copy a sample config file, create the database directory and start it up. Note that it's possible to run the Node and the Registry in one process but we choose to run them separately. $ mkdir -p ~/sys/icenode; cd ~/sys/icenode $ cp [ORCA-SRC]/scripts/ice/icegridnode.cfg . $ mkdir db $ icegridnode --Ice.Config=icegridnode.cfg
Repeat the steps for starting IceStorm service (See Quick-Start Guide for instructions). Getting Two Components TalkingFirst, copy default configuration files for the Laser2d and LaserMon components. $ mkdir -p ~/sys/tuteicegrid; cd ~/sys/tuteicegrid $ cp [ORCA-INSTALL]/xml/laser2d.xml . $ cp [ORCA-INSTALL]/share/orca/cfg/lasermon.cfg .
Edit the file ... <adapter name="Laser2d" register-process="true" id="agave/laser2d"/> ... <property name="Laser2d.Config.Driver" value="fake"/> ... Load the application described in $ icegridadmin --Ice.Default.Locator="IceGrid/Locator:default -p 12000" -e "application add 'laser2d.xml'" (Any username and password will do, since no access controls are configured).
Start a new shell, and fire up the LaserMon component (a laser monitor). No modifications are needed for its configuration file. $ lasermon You should see the scans scroll by on the screen, just as in the Starting Up the Infrastructure tutorial. To stop the client component, type $ icegridadmin --Ice.Default.Locator="IceGrid/Locator:default -p 12000" -e "application remove OrcaApp" What's NextFor an example of running IceStorm through IceGrid, see If everything works, check out more Orca Tutorials. |
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