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hydropathplan::Cell2D Class Reference

A light weight 2d cell reference containing a x and y index. More...

#include <cell2d.h>

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

int x () const
 get x index of cell
int y () const
 get y index of cell
void setX (const int x)
 set x index of cell
void setY (const int y)
 set y index of cell
void set (const int x, const int y)
 set both indeces of cell
Cell2Doperator= (const Cell2D &p)
 arithmetic operator
Cell2Doperator+= (const Cell2D &)
 arithmetic operator
Cell2Doperator-= (const Cell2D &)
 arithmetic operator
Cell2Doperator *= (int)
 arithmetic operator
Cell2Doperator/= (int)
 arithmetic operator, if division by zero, returns same cell


bool operator== (const Cell2D &, const Cell2D &)
 arithmetic operator
bool operator!= (const Cell2D &, const Cell2D &)
 arithmetic operator
const Cell2D operator+ (const Cell2D &, const Cell2D &)
 arithmetic operator
const Cell2D operator- (const Cell2D &, const Cell2D &)
 arithmetic operator
const Cell2D operator * (const Cell2D &, int)
 arithmetic operator
const Cell2D operator * (int, const Cell2D &)
 arithmetic operator
const Cell2D operator- (const Cell2D &)
 arithmetic operator

Related Functions

(Note that these are not member functions.)

double euclideanDistance (const Cell2D c1, const Cell2D c2)
int manhattanDistance (const Cell2D c1, const Cell2D c2)
bool isAdjacentN (const Cell2D c1, const Cell2D c2, unsigned int N)
bool isNull (const Cell2D c)
Cell2D adjacentCell (const Cell2D &cell, const int i)
Cell2D diagonalCell (const Cell2D &cell, const int i)
Cell2D surroundCell (const Cell2D &cell, const int i)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &s, const Cell2D &obj)

Detailed Description

A light weight 2d cell reference containing a x and y index.

Friends And Related Function Documentation

Cell2D adjacentCell const Cell2D cell,
const int  i

Returns a cell that is adjacent to the supplied cell. index goes from 0 -> 3, if outside this range, 0 is assumed. if the cell is on the edge behaviour is undefined.

Cell2D diagonalCell const Cell2D cell,
const int  i

Returns a cell that is diagonaly adjacent to the supplied cell. index goes from 0 -> 3, if outside this range, 0 is assumed. if the cell is on the edge behaviour is undefined.

double euclideanDistance const Cell2D  c1,
const Cell2D  c2

Find the geometric distance between two cells

bool isAdjacentN const Cell2D  c1,
const Cell2D  c2,
unsigned int  N

Determine if a cell is within a square of size 2N+1 of another cell

bool isNull const Cell2D  c  )  [related]

Check to see if a cell refers to (0,0)

int manhattanDistance const Cell2D  c1,
const Cell2D  c2

Find the manhattan distance between two cells

std::ostream & operator<< std::ostream &  s,
const Cell2D obj

Printing this object

Cell2D surroundCell const Cell2D cell,
const int  i

Returns a cell that is directly adjacent or diagonally adjacent to the supplied cell. index goes from 0 -> 7, if outside this range, 0 is assumed. if the cell is on the edge behaviour is undefined.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file:

Webmaster: Tobias Kaupp (tobasco at users.sourceforge.net)

Generated for Orca Robotics by  doxygen 1.4.5